Reflexology is a therapeutic technique based on the stimulation of points on the feet, hands or face. These points are called reflex zones, and by applying pressure on them it is possible to produce specific effects on other parts of the body.
Reflexology helps to reduce pain, stress and anxiety.
Reflexology is one of the complementary medicines and as such serves as a complement to medical treatments, but should never replace medical recommendations and prescriptions.
The theory behind reflexology is that areas of the foot correspond to organs and systems of the body. And pressure applied to these areas generates relaxation and healing in the corresponding area of the body.
Reflexology is a therapeutic technique based on the stimulation of points on the feet, hands or face. These points are called reflex zones, and by applying pressure on them it is possible to produce specific effects on other parts of the body.
Types of Reflexology
The techniques used to treat the different zones are:
- Auriculotherapy. This uses the auricular pavilion as a reflex zone for the whole body.
- Foot and Manual Reflexology are massage techniques that are applied to the feet and hands.
- Facial reflexology or also known as facial therapy, massage techniques on the face. Although this technique is rarely used.
Benefits of Reflexology or Reflexotherapy
Thanks to this ancestral therapeutic technique, there are many health benefits that you can take advantage of. The reason is that the range of pathologies and illnesses that reflexology can treat is very broad.
- It stimulates blood and lymphatic circulation.
- It relieves pain, as reflexology has an analgesic effect.
- It produces a relaxing effect that helps to eliminate stress and facilitates physical and mental relaxation.
- Boosts the immune system and the body’s self-healing potential.
- Aids the elimination of toxins.
- Regulates the functioning of the body’s organs.
- Balances and restores energy levels.
- Has preventive therapy effects.
- Stimulates creativity, raises vitality levels and improves mood.
- It is not contra-indicated for adolescents, children, pregnant women and the elderly.